Tuesday, 17 August 2010


Taury: addicted to coffee, bishies, books, good music, shinsen-radio community, thunder storms, sun, cakes, anime, money; tries to find her way in life, writes when she can, reads when she can, watches shows when she can, finished her master degree and wants to take over the world one day


Linwe: As the resident Drama Queen I see it as my duty to share with the world about all the latest sleep-stealing, social-life consuming, dream invading asian dramas and beautiful beautiful bishies I go completely crazy for (an unfortunate side-effect of my drama addiction). Expect copious amounts of squeeing, ranting and drooling. Outside of asian entertainment, I'm an avid reader of historical and fantasy novels, indie music and all things graphic design.

Guss: Music addict and king of useless wisdom. Though I struggled to get through school, I can tell you that all polar bears are left-handed and that cows do moo in various dialects. \o.O/ But my one true love is music. All kinds of it. I have a collection of over 11k now songs and have to store my cds throughout my place cause they don't fit in one (or two) racks by now. But somehow, I like the indie stuff more than that mainstream crap. Weird. Outside my two addictions I have a third one: football. Yes, football. Not handegg. But I don't go outside too often atm. No time and every time I'm in the outside world, life itself tries to ruin my life. ;; Some may not believe that I was actually born as a happy kid but steadily transformed into a real pessimist. (But I prefer it to be called "realist", cause I have my reasons...) That's all for now o/

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